Camborne-Redruth Floral Club

Affiliated to NAFAS
(National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies)
A message from the chairman, Teresa Hancox:
A warm welcome is extended to anyone who would like to attend our monthly meetings held at the Community Centre, Camborne.
At our meetings, we have local or area demonstrators who create 5 designs to a theme or title. These arrangements are raffled off at the end of the meeting when tea/coffee and biscuits are served.
We have a sales table where flower arranging materials and sundries are sold at competitive prices.
NAFAS produces a quarterly magazine "The Flower Arranger" which can be ordered through the club at a much reduced price.
You do not have to be a flower arranger to attend or join the club. If you love flowers, plants and all things connected, I'm sure you will enjoy the evenings.
For further information, please contact us via the contact page or via our email address: cambornefloralclub@gmail.com.